I love change! Moving into new apartments, starting a new job, going to a new school, experiencing different cultures; or even just more subtle change - like moving around things in my closet because I get bored of the way it looks. After all they say "The only thing that is constant in life, is change."
A couple of weeks ago, I was bored with the way my office looked. It had been the same for over 6 months and I needed a change. I wanted to make it different and more comfortable - something I would love. So when my boss walked in that day, I told her what I wanted to do, and she was willing to help me (yes, I have an amazing boss. This, I already know.) So she did. We moved things around, and I loved the end result. It was pretty close to what I wanted.
However, when I was done and sat down to work, I realised that there was so much dirt everywhere. So much dirt hidden under things that I hadn't moved for over 6 months; So much dust and particles that was trapped in things that remained untouched for a long time; so much that I didn't want to deal with at the time. So I just kept working. BUT it bothered me - so much that I had to get up and clean up all that dirt I had uncovered by moving things around to where I wanted them to be.
I grabbed some wet wipes and napkins and got to cleaning. As I cleaned all the dust, particles and dirt, I thought about how we as human beings go through this process of cleaning. Many times in our lives we ask God for something great, something beautiful. We ask for a certain level of comfort. We ask for something we would love. We want progress and success and accomplishments. That process of getting to where we want to be involves uncovering some dirt. When God shakes us up and moves things around in our lives, some things come up that we may not like, and as human beings we usually don't want to deal with those things. So we want the beautiful and the perfect blessings that have our names written on them, but when they uncover some dirt, we just want to reach over the dirt and grab the blessing.
When a potter is molding a pot, the process requires a lot of dirt. If the pot remains in the dirt after molding, the purpose for which it was molded cannot be achieved. God is the potter, you are the pot, and molding you is that blessing, that progress, that achievement or accomplishment. Sometimes you're broken and getting to where you want to be means fixing. Sometimes you're just cracked, and getting to where you need to be means patching. Other times, it's nothing - God may just decide to polish you and give you a brighter shine. Which ever it is, there will be some dirt. Blessings, they come. In big and in small. But sometimes, they move things around in your life, and to fully enjoy that blessing, you have to deal with the things that are uncovered in the process. You cant grab your blessing, and sit in a pool of dirt.
After I cleaned my office up, boy was I pleased. It was preetttyy delish, and only then, could I fully enjoy the new arrangement. So hey, we all got dirt and that's okay because we all human. However, that dirt will be uncovered to get to where we want to be eventually, and the only way to move past it, is to clean it up!
So grab some napkins, wet wipes, lysol! Heck, grab some doggone bleach! Stay ready for when God decides to move things around in your life. Some dirt may be uncovered, but now, you know what to do!
That's uncovering the dirt... as i do it.