Sunday, June 16, 2013


I never go for the activities that my building organizes cause I never have company and the times never really go with my schedule. However, for the love of bacon (seriously, for the love of bacon) I decided that with or without company, I would go for the "Breakfast for dinner" program; only, there was no way in hell I was going to wear my pajamas even though there was a raffle draw. Whatever the prize was, I didn't need or want it that bad - I mean, it wasn't free rent or tuition.
     The invitation had said that the program was in the lobby of the leasing office, so I set out for the lobby of the leasing office walking behind some girls who were going for the same program. When we entered the building, the gym door was open and there were three baskets that read "small", "medium" and "large," and a sign that said "PLEASE, TAKE ONE! ITS FREE!" Still behind the girls, I turned towards the gym. One of the girls picked one package from inside of a basket and asked the other one "What is it?" I looked over and it was round - probably the width of a small pancake and inch thick with the name of the apartment complex on the front side. The other girl replied "I don't know, but whatever it is, a small's good enough." As they both picked smalls and left, I stepped forward and looked in the baskets. All the contents looked the same size, so I'm wondering why they were marked. I immediately told myself, I didn't want to look greedy and take a large, so I'll take a medium instead because I definitely wasn't taking a small. Whatever it was, I didn't want the small if I could have a medium or large.
      As we made our way to where dinner (or breakfast at 6 pm) was being served, I realized the girls were curiously opening the package. After a couple seconds, one of the girls goes "It's a t-shirt! haha!" And the other goes "Thank God I got a small." Right behind them I'm holding my package going "Ooops, I wear a small too, and I picked a medium." Of course I said this in my head. So where did I go next? Right back to the gym to change my package from a medium to a small.
      On my way out I was thinking about how I walked in there the first time. I had a choice between three things, and even after I saw someone in front of me being content even with a choice, I decided that I had a choice and I was going to use it. I ended up picking something that I probably would have worn as pajamas instead of a t-shirt, and had to go back and change it. Now what if I didn't have that option?
      We will always have choices to make in life. Sometimes we will be faced with "small", "medium" and "large" decisions, and unfortunately, life isn't always as simple as a t-shirt; the consequence of a wrong choice might not be as easy as "one size bigger"; and dealing with that consequence may not be as easy as turning back to make an exchange. In fact, majority of the time, "returning" our choices, or remaking our decisions may not be an option, but we forget that, and reach farther than we need to. For every choice we make, there is a result or consequence, which is determined by the nature of our choices. The thought about the consequence should come before the choice, not after. Neglecting that consideration doesn't change the outcome of the consequence, neither does it take it away. Its like knowing fire burns, seeing a candle and sticking your finger in it, neglecting that knowledge. The consequence - a burnt finger - doesn't change simply because you chose to ignore the knowledge that fire burns.
      I chose to maximize my opportunity to make a choice and decided to go for a medium which would have ended up being a shirt I wore to sleep instead of a small which I could actually wear as a t-shirt. I wasn't thinking of what the package contained. I was just being humanly selfish wanting more.  When you're faced with a decision, you don't want to make a choice that forces you to manage. You want to make a choice that allows you to enjoy the outcome.
       Next time you have the opportunity to make a choice, think about what is important, and then think about the consequences and results. What you need may come in a small package, and that large one just may come with no returns. Bottom line is, think beneath the surface, read between lines.

Thats small, medium, or large? i do it!



  1. I enjoyed the read. I see another possibility here as well. You had a choice, yes; and by your own admission the choice was based on greed. However, in life we can choose to be small-minded and never branch out for bigger opportunities. Maybe your selection was a deeper desire to want more of what is available. Even though it (tee shirt in this case) was too big for you it could have been shared with someone else. As it is with life, it's too big for us just us alone (I hope this makes sense). We need to share it with others and go for the big! Especially if it causes blessings...

    1. Isn't it easy how we we sometimes think of ourselves so much that we forget others? You're absolutely right!

      Thanks for the insight!
