Sunday, February 10, 2013


It was a normal day.. or at least started like one. Only difference was, all these people were late to work.

It was one's turn to bring in donuts. One lady's alarm didn't go off. Someone was stuck in traffic. One person missed their bus. A young lady spilled some breakfast on her outfit and had to change her clothing. Someone's car would not start. Another's child didn't get up in time to get ready for school. One just could not get a taxi at all. One guy wore a new pair of shoes that gave him blisters, and stopped at the drug store to get band aids. Someone just simply turned around to answer a phone call.

It was a normal day.. or at least started like one. Only difference was, all these people were late to work... at the World Trade Centre. It was September 11th, 2001.

Where is Your miracle?

That's a good place to start. Besides, aren't the people around you making it? Don't they have what you want? Aren't things just working out for them? And you're stuck in the same old place; with everything you'd rather not have, and a life you'd give up in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, nothing seems to go your way, and every time you get on your knees, you ask one question: "Where is my miracle?"

Yes, turning water into wine sounds appealing and a blind man regaining his eyesight at the dab of spittle isn't of natural power. Miracles. But whoever said we'd love every miracle? No one. A miracle doesn't have to be huge and extraordinary. It doesn't have to call for celebrations and fiestas. However, miracles always come forth from a place of positive intention. The miracle may not be what we want, but the result may be what we long for.

When you're going through something tough, and it seems like God is silent, try to focus on what he's already done, what he's doing, and what he's going to do. God is never silent. He's always working in your favour, and remember, he creates only master pieces. A master piece goes through a lot to be made, and sometimes the process may not all be beautiful. That process, may be your miracle.

On that bright morning of September 11th 2001, someones miracle was buying donuts. Someone's was a car that would not start. Another's was an alarm that never went off. One's was missing a bus. Another's was a new pair of shoes. One's was some spilled breakfast, another's was a late child. One person just couldn't get a taxi, and for someone, it was a single phone call she turned back to receive. These people, who all worked at the World Trade Centre were late for work. Why? Because that morning, God gave them a miracle.

Stop looking for something extraordinary. Stop looking for something the world will notice. Stop looking for a huge experience. The next time you seem to get caught by every traffic light, or rip your pants on your way out the door, look up and say "Thank you, Jesus.I know I'm just where you want me to be." It may be harder than just some traffic lights, or ripped pants. It could be a job you didn't get, a messy love life, or a shaky financial situation. It could be a few seconds, or many years; all these little or big annoying things. But with everything that happens, huge and extraordinary, or tiny and customary, it could just be God giving you a miracle! Just trust the author of your life.

Miracles come. In gold, or in wood.
Don't step over the wood looking for a miracle in gold. You may step on yours and find someone else receiving theirs.

Where is your miracle? Now, you answer that.

that's in gold, or in wood... as i do it.



  1. Touching, this is simply beautiful Shanpepe. It Blessed my heart
